Snow Removal

Snow Removal in Cincinnati, OH

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Cafferky Landscaping is a company that helps Ohio-based residential and commercial clients with all their landscaping needs. While a majority of the year involves our team addressing lawn, tree and flower care, things change when the winter months arrive. Cold weather brings with it a whole new set of challenges which are only heightened when severe storms strike. Snow and ice are not just unsightly on properties, but actively dangerous elements that can make walking or driving difficult. Learn more about the many ways we can address these concerns below

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Different types of winter landscaping services

Snow and ice can't be left alone to melt naturally. In the coldest months of Ohio's winter, the temperatures can stay below freezing for days or even weeks on end, allowing the dangerous natural precipitation to remain on your driveways and sidewalks. This makes even simple tasks, like walking to your mailbox or driving to work, dangerous. If you have a property that needs to be cleared, contact us right away! We can also be hired to handle your property's snow care needs regularly to ensure that we come out during any storm without the need for calls every time! Here are some of the most popular winter property care services we offer:
  • Snow Plowing
  • Sanding
  • Ice Melt Application
  • Sidewalk Clearing
  • and more!
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Call us today to keep your property safe and clear during the winter months. (513) 752-2054 

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